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How to build a successful Ecommerce Store

In this epoch of digital revolution when everything seems to be going online, a lot of people are planning to make from the transition from brick and mortar business to eCommerce stores. Well, the idea is pretty intriguing and expectedly more profitable but a number of businessmen tend to step back owing to the confusion which arises as a result of the lack of web knowledge. There a lot of people who do not even have the knowledge of a single programming language but are still spreading their hues of victory like anything. So, what exactly the reason is behind their success? Without even being proficient in a single programming language how come a wide range of people are ruling the eCommerce industry. Well, the answer lies in the below-mentioned points:-

  1. Successful businessmen are well-familiar with the fact that their business needs to quickly adapt itself to its business environment.

  1. They never brood over what they do not have instead they have this propensity in them which urges them to make the best out of what they already possess. They treasure the resources which they have and are pretty proficient at making them work as per their wish.

Ecom sales increase

Let us now dive into the technicalities which are normally countered by those people who want to build a successful eCommerce store. The following points can be a step-by-step guide for beginners who want to establish their eCommerce business.

1. Choose the eCommerce platform which suits your business

From the last couple of years, an astronomical number of eCommerce platforms have emerged but not all of them appeal to the target market in the best way. On the contrary, the given three e-commerce platforms have come up as one of the most preferred destinations to customers.

  • Shopify
  • Woocommerce
  • Big Commerce
  • Magento
  • Wix
  • Prestashop
  • Opencart

Choosing an eCommerce platform is not as easy and candid as it seems. The eCommerce industry is worth more than $2.5 trillion and is probably expected to double itself by the end of 2020.

There are a number of factors that need to be considered before choosing an eCommerce platform. The below-mentioned bullet points deal with the same.

    • Try to choose an easy and customer-friendly store platform: It will not only assure you of more customers but will also help you build a loyal customer base for yourself.
    • Try to build a site that is not only secure but also very easy to navigate: Consider your favorite eCommerce platform for a moment, do you find a web-based difference between the one which you just gave an awful look right after looking at its webpage and the one which you find hard to part away from? Maybe you got the difference now.
    • Plugins Marketplace: The availability of plugins or apps plays a key role while opting for the most pertinent eCommerce platform for your business. With myriad options come a bunch of baffling problems. All you need to consider is to closely examine whether your shortlisted platform is providing you with extensions and plugins. Besides, you need to be very specific with the integration of the marketing channels which are already at your disposal.

Let us now compare the suitability and price ranges of Shopify Woocommerce and Bigcommerce.

  1. Shopify is most suitable for starter stores whose brand has an SKU count not exceeding 100. Nowadays, it is also being preferred by hobbyists also. Shopify offers the most exciting premium packages within the range of $25-30 per month.

  2. BigCommerce is primarily built for business owners who are probably new shop builders. With a 14-day free trial, BigCommerce offers its business plans starting at just $29.95 a month.

  3. WooCommerce covers an overwhelming market ranging from starter stores to bloggers as well. Though the plans offered are free, but limited in availability.

2. Product Research

Product Research has its own significance when it comes to an eCommerce business. Product Research is one of those action-oriented steps which need to be undertaken meticulously. There are various ways that can help you unveil the needs of your target customers in just a few simple but consistent actions.

  1. Use trending hashtags to make out what is in vogue or probably what the customers are having a preference for.

  2. You can have an insight into the products which the brick and mortar businesses are selling. Try to understand their price structures, the quality of their products besides the rebate which they usually give to their customers.

  3. Use online platforms to search for those products which people are crazy about. Quora is all the rage for disseminating information nowadays. Besides, Quora you can also leverage your Reddit account in order to stay updated with the most desired products and services.

3. Social Proof and the Popup Campaign

You must be regarding it as a whole new concept. But that’s actually not correct. It’s been in practice for many years both online and offline as well. Social Proof app like Proofly aims at making our presence felt to our customers and is purely devoted to the creation of a loyal customer base. For those who want to build a successful eCommerce business, it is quite mandatory to take into consideration the following-:

  • Keep on constantly promoting your bestselling products.

  • Include customer testimonials and reviews in your popups.

  • Use numbers to enhance your brand.

4. Coupon and Promotional Campaign

Coupon and Promotion Campaigns can be effective elements for boosting the interest of customers in your products. In the long run, the two can yield to the profit which you can never have expected. Coupons Campaign act as a communication mode between a buyer and a seller whose interest lies in delivering and getting value-based products. Those who want to learn how to build a successful eCommerce store, they can start with referral programs, influencer document, affiliate coupons, and so on.

 5. Payment Mode

 Once your mind has caught hold of the above four, now it’s time to be sure about the payment mode. Stripe and PayPal are the most preferred online payment modes which do not only offer reliability but also striking offers from time to time. Stripe is a San Francisco based finance company which was started in the year 2009. With more than 2,500 employees all across the world, Stripe aims at delivering the best financial services at the lowest possible cost.

Who is not familiar with PayPal? PayPal is also a California based company which serves as the best alternative to cashless transaction all across the World. Besides offering electronic payment services, the company is also assisting businessmen by rendering them financial advice as well.

6. SEO

If it’s a product promotion technique that you want to achieve then SEO is the vehicle that is going to carry you to your destination. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and as the name suggests, it refers to the process of enhancing both the quality and quantity of the traffic. SEOs serve the purpose by augmenting the visibility of your website. All put together, it can be said that SEOs help in ranking your website higher on google by an intricate use of Keywords, ALT Tags, and Page Titles. Upgradation of the URL Structure also plays a vital role in enhancing the ranking of your website.

7. Building Email Subscribers list

Building an Email Subscribers list has a number of advantages to someone who wants to establish an eCommerce business. Building Email Subscribers list is not a one-day task rather it can take a number of months and sometimes a year even. Once you are up to it, you can be assured of higher returns and sustainable growth in the long run. Building a subscriber list is just like keeping on nourishing your business with its critical requirements once it grabs a considerable market. The more personalized and optimized your Emails are, the more chances you have for expanding your business.

8. Retargeting Ad Campaign

Retargeting Campaigns refer to those campaigns which aim at retargeting those customers who have had expressed their interest in your brand. It is an effort that allows businesses to increase their traffic by throwing specific ads based on cookies. Well, the procedure is quite simple. All you need to do is to sign in to your Google Ads Account and tap campaigns flicking on the menu of the page. Eventually, click the plus button to enable a target customer-based ad for retargeting your audience.

The above-mentioned list was a guide to all those who want to build a successful eCommerce business. It is a well-proven fact that the capital required to start up an eCommerce business is astoundingly less. And with an online business structure, one can have multiple opportunities at his disposal. So, without being trapped into the imaginary convulsions which are expected to be a part and parcel of online business, all you need to do is to keep up the lively spirit in yourself which lets you keep going. A business is but a result of its environment and an entrepreneur’s creativity and values, keeping the same in mind, keep spreading happiness and delivering values.