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Top 10 Shopify Apps for Ecommerce Store

Ecommerce, which is also referred to as Electric Commerce and Internet Commerce, is perhaps one of the most beneficial elements forming an integral part of the Internet nowadays. Ecommerce refers to the process of getting the business done through the Internet. In simple language, it can be said that buying and selling take place through the Internet besides the transfer of money and data from one source to another. Ecommerce facilitates the sale and purchase of the products and services through a dynamic gateway called the Internet. And that is the reason why the business carried out through the internet is called E-Commerce.

Many times, people fail to understand that the two E-Business and E-Commerce are the same. And eventually, end up considering the two as one only. Let us go through the two in an easy-to-understand way.

E-Commerce is used to refer to the transactions going on between a buyer and a seller online. On the other hand, it can also be used to refer to any sort of commercial transaction that can only be supported through the Internet.

E-Business is a very vast term that covers up numerous facets of business which is conducted online. It can be said that E-business is perhaps expansive which E-Commerce is a part of.

The History of Ecommerce store dates back to the year 1994 when American man sold a CD to one of his friends by means of a website through a Band Sting. That was the first time when someone carried out a transaction through the internet. And that is how took birth which we regard as Ecommerce today.

Ever since 1994, Ecommerce is evolving day by day. It is getting manipulated in such a way that it suits the needs of customers and businesses in the most effective and efficient manner. As per research, it was being proved that the ecommerce industry is expected to be worth more than $30 trillions by the end of the year 2020.

The Four Types of Ecommerce Models

The below-mentioned points deal with the types and the features of four Ecommerce Models that cover each type of transaction that can take between a customer and a business.

1. Business to Consumer Ecommerce Model (B2C) -: The Business to Consumer Model is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. This Ecommerce model refers to the direct gateway of communication between a Business and an individual Consumer. For example, let’s say you buy a pair of jeans from an online retailer, here ‘you’ are the individual customer and the ‘online retailer’ is the business unit. Since the transaction is being carried out between an individual business unit and a particular customer, the example certainly falls under the B2C Business model.

2. Consumer to Consumer Ecommerce Model (C2C) -: When a Customer sells a product or service directly to the other customers, it is called a C2C Ecommerce Model. For instance, you sell your old home theatre to someone else through OLX. In this case, there is a direct mode of communication between the two Consumers, and hence following the Consumer to Consumer Business Model.

3. Consumer to Business Ecommerce Model (C2C) -: Consumer to Business Ecommerce Model denotes that the consumer sells his or her products and services to the businesses or individual organizations. The best example of a Consumer to Business Model can be a transaction wherein a customer offers his photography licensing to a business.

4. Business to Business Ecommerce Model (B2B) -: As the name suggests, this model takes into consideration those transactions only which have to do with two business partied only. When one business entity sells goods and services to another business entity, the model is called a B2B Model. Say, a business sells software to some other one.

Ecommerce Industry is targeting to expand its reach to a considerably higher level and that too, without any sort of sophistication involved in the transactions. There are numerous eCommerce platforms which are covering the global market but there is one such of them which is a class apart in itself. And that is Shopify. Shopify is an Ottawa based company that acts as a perfect platform for starting, growing, customizing, and managing a business.

Let us now discuss 10 Shopify Applications that are the most suitable for Ecommerce Store.

1. SUMO -: It is a well-known fact that the SUMO app was first built for the creation and management emails concerned with AppSumo. Since it was gaining more and more popularity, the application opened itself up as a tool used for capturing emails used by individual businesses and bloggers. With the company of Shopify app, Sumo has emerged as one of the most preferred conversions and marketing tools when it comes to the stores of Shopify.

Pros of SUMO

The pros of SUMO application are being dealt below-:

  • Its integration feature with Shopify allows the subscribing visitors to get exciting discount codes.

  • With SUMO application users get a lot of benefits like that of minimization in cart abandonment, substantial growth in the e-mail list, and an increase in the order value.

Cons of SUMO

The cons of SUMO app are as follows-:

  • The customer service is not very good and hence leading to dissatisfaction amongst its users.

  • SUMO does not offer trail option to the consumers in most of the cases before making the purchase.


SUMO does offer a free plan for a certain period of time. But then, the pro plan costs almost $40 a month which needs to be submitted on an annual basis.

2. Omniseed -: Omniseed started off as a marketing solution forum for emails just for Shopify stores only. With the passage of time, the application kept on adding various features to its software like developing multiple channels for their SMS systems, the Facebook messenger besides the push, and the pop-up notifications.

Pros of Omniseed

The advantages of using Omniseed are as mentioned below-:

* One of the major upshots of Omniseed is the robust integration channel.

* A strong synchronization with giants like Google and Facebook allows an automatic retargeting of the customers.

Cons of Omniseed

Here are a few points which mention the disadvantages of Omniseed -:

  • There arise a number of issues related to the receival of emails.

  • The inability of the application to integrate various shops into one, thereby creating a unified platform.


The pricing policy of Omniseed is quite affordable as its pro packages cost somewhere between $13 to $80 per month. And the payment needs to be made annually.

3. Proofly -: It is one of that software that strives for excellence in terms of providing amazing customer service. Be it increasing your conversion rate or generating more traffic to your website, this app is probably the ultimate destination.

Pros of Proofly

The below-mentioned bullet points deal with the upshots of Proofly -:

  • A lot of surplus notifications as a part of a traffic-oriented model are provided to the users.

  • The punctual and devoted team of service providers deal with a long-lasting and profitable one.

Cons of Proofly

On the flip side, there are some cons of Proofly as well.

  • Setting up notifications can take up more than the average time which is normally needed.

  • The extent of customization can sometimes tend to be a bit sophisticated and hard-to-understand for the users.

With a 14-30-day free trial, the premium package of Proofly is offered at just $29 a month.

4. Loox -: The Loox Application is one software that can probably a complete solution to almost all the elements which users want to incorporate into their business. The application allows you to get tons of reviews and testimonials from those customers who seem to be satisfied with your service.

Pros of Loox

Here you go with the advantages of using Loox software-:

  • The way of generating traffic by means of customization, management, and automation of images is a wholly different and intriguing concept.

  • Loox can be the turnoff to be of utmost significance not to established brands but also to newly emerging brands as well.

Cons of Loox

The below-mentioned bullet points deal with the disadvantages of


  • A review cannot be always be edited and cleaned up the way it is desired by the users.

  • When all the users want to adopt an overwhelmingly customizable review model, Loox is more of a pre-designed template provider.


Loox provides two types of packages which include a basic and an advanced one. The basic package costs around $10 a month and the advanced one costs $29.9 a month.

5. MailChimp -: Mailchimp is probably the first newsletter application tool that springs up in mind as soon as we think of newsletter service for our store. MailChimp is known far and wide or its free service to provide 10,000 mails to almost 2,000 subscribers without even charging a single penny.

Pros of Mailchimp

Here you go with the advantages of using MailChimp.

  • You are given thorough information related to the needs of the customers, geo-tracking, conversion rate, and athletics.

  • Besides the free plan of sending almost 10,000 emails, MailChimp has a very robust and clean editor and interface.

Cons of MailChimp

The disadvantages of using MailChimp are given below-:

  • The advanced automation system in the case of MailChimp can be pretty disappointing at times.

  • The premium packages can also be way expensive when compared to the rival brands.


In order to get done with 2,500 subscribers, MailChimp charges $30 a month. For 10,000 subscribers, the charge is $75 a month. And for getting 15,000 subscribers, the amount charged can be as high as $130 a month.

6. SMSBump -: SMSBump is a powerful marketing tool that is carried out through SMS for the purpose of creating engagements in your customers. It enables the users to keep the customers updated with each and every info concerned to them though Short Messaging Service.

Pros of SMSBump

The following points are in relation to the advantages of SMSBump.

  • The SMS delivery route is quite secure.

  • SMSBump supports only high-quality messages.

  • Messages are being sent at the most appropriate time depending upon the respective time zone of the customers.

Cons of SMSBump

Let us now go through a few shortcomings of SMSBump.

  • Sometimes sending a lot of SMSes can result in a considerable fall in the conversion rate of the business.

  • The call-to-action step, perhaps the most deciding factor for a business’s success, is not very dynamic when it comes to SMSBump.


On average, SMSBump charges $.5 per SMS. But the charges keep on varying from time to time depending upon the country.

7. Oberlo -: Being a Drop shipping-based business model, the focus of Oberlo is not primarily devoted to supplying change and the management of inventory. It is being proven as per research that retailers who devote their resources to Dropshipping have more chances to succeed in generating more traffic and growing at an exponential rate.

Pros of Oberlo

The given points relate to the upshots of Oberlo.

  • Oberlo can be the best investment providing value and generating competitiveness against rival brands.

  • There are different price packages which you can opt-out of as per your needs.

Cons of Oberlo

The given points deal with the cons of Oberlo.

  • The prices may not always suit the budget of all the retailers, owing to the fact that they may tend to be very high sometimes.

  • Being a Drop Shipping oriented software only, Oberlo has not much to offer when it comes to a direct means of generating customer engagement.


The pricing policy of Oberlo ranges somewhere between $25-$50 a month, considering orders up to 500.

8. Plug-In SEO -: Plug-In SEO is one of the most popular tools which is available on the Word Press platform. The best feature of this app is its easy accessibility and friendly quality. The tool helps the most when you want to customize your sales in such a way that your sales are maximized.

Pros of Plug-In SEO

The following points are the pros of Plug-In SEO-:

  • The app assists you a lot when it comes to fixing your flaws.

  • It suggests you the most appropriate keyword that can make your ranking go up.

Cons of Plug-In SEO

The following points are the cons of SEO-:

  • The application may not get your intentions the right way. So, it can be pretty disappointing at times.

  • There is a possibility that the plugins might waste your time at the time of searching.


Premium Pack of SEO can cost $70 for each site. Though the amount might look a bit high, the additional features make up for the same.

9. AfterShip -: The application is well suited for those online retailers who want to have tracking solutions to their system along with scalability. The main feature of this app is to provide the customers with each and every detail of the business, once they are done with order-placing.

Pros of AfterShip

The below-mentioned points are the advantages of using AfterShip.

  • Keeping the customers updated with their orders inculcates a sense of loyalty in them in the long-run.

  • The smooth and stable working of the application adds to its customer-friendly nature.

Cons of AfterShip

Here are a few shortcomings of AfterShip.

  • Customers complain that they have to auto-generate the tracking number. As there arise some frequent problems in the tracking number up-gradation.

  • The customer service team is not very supportive in the case of AfterShip.


AfterShip has a free version for new customers. Besides, the plan starts just at $10 a month.

10. InterCom Chat-: As the name suggests, InterCom Chat renders the service of a help center to its clients. Wit a productive deployment of live chats, the application is one of the most preferred applications for quality customer service.

Pros of Intercom Chat

The below-mentioned bullet points are the advantages of InterCom chat.

  • All of the chats falls within the SaaS app.

  • The creation of video lectures and articles is also possible.

Cons of InterCom Chat

Here you go with the cons of InterCom Chat.

  • The marketing strategies are very poor in the case of InterCom Chat.

  • The price policy can be a stumbling block for those companies that are in their initial stages.


If you are going a standard package which takes consideration 15,000 and focuses mainly on messaging and article creating, then the price is $740.

Here was the list of 10 Applications for the Shopify store. All of them have their own pros and cons. Keeping in view the budget and needs, it is expected of businessmen to play a prudent game that assures them of high-return for sure.